Precious. 6E'08

27 Jun 2011


School reopens today ! (Y)
I hate the fact that i have to wake up early.

I couldn't sleep last night. It is not because i am excited for school, i am just too used to sleeping late. Change of timetable and seating arrangement . LOL. I miss the old sitting arrangement. I can daydream all i want without the teacher realising it . Text. Text. Text. :D Got this weird message which i have no idea how to reply. LOL. FYI: I'm sorry. But you are the past and i am the present . Get over it ! :)

20 May 2011

Note to self…should have gotten a flu shot. In... - Dianna Agron, but you can call me Charlie.

Get this short post about me ? :D

17 May 2011

i will never forget the way you looked at me. Never !  

I haven visit my grandma ever since she is hospitalized. I am just too timid to face the reality. I am just too afraid to see her in pain. Thinking of her in pain causes my heart to tear apart. I am going she call my name, the way she hold my hand and the way she look at me ! When my friend's grandma passed away, i am so afraid that i  will be the next. God bless 

June Holiday Plan. 

*Going to meet up with my siao zhar bor. 
*Going to meet up with 6e'08
*Going to go out with my best friends 

Haven really plan but i don't wanna go to school tomorrow. Going to fail a lot of subjects. Haix. I don't know what to do now. Tomorrow, we have the CPR thingy. Heard that we have to do CPR for those plastic model. Idk. Walao. I only wanna do CPR for Justin Bieber ! LOL xD . 

16 May 2011

Slack. Slack. Slack

Happy birthday, krisma's fat chubby little brother!

Hahahaha ! I miss the way her brother shouted her name and the way they hold hands. :B Well, i woke up at around 12 noon because i stay up late to watch 'Lost & Found' . Watched a Hong Kong movie . Awesome ! :D wanted to visit wz but in the end i didn't go . :x we have class outing but i didn't go because i got something on. Have fun guys ! <3 nothing to blog about . >< going out tomorrow :) i don't know whether i should tell you but i don't think i should . Never mind . Miss a chance again . :P

15 May 2011

Please leave a message at the tone.

Happy birthday, Gavin !

Today i don't feel like doing anything. - the lazy song . But the difference is i will pick up my phone :) i don't feel like going out. I just wanna stay at home and stalk Justin bieber. Have to tidy up my desk because it looks as if a tornado have just strike . Too embarrassed to show you the picture :X I hope it rains because the heat is unbearable . Staying in my room with air-con switched on. I swear i do not want to step out of my room . Well, read my private blog because closing it down again. I feel that there is no need to hide anymore. I realised i changed a little. I used to trust everyone i know. Maybe i was too foolish to do so. In the past, i would tell people everything without hiding anything from them. But now, i learn to keep certain things to myself. What the point of saying it out? Even if i have to say it out, i would only tell those who i know can be trusted . All i can do now is to hope for a better future . :)

14 May 2011

You You You

I'm hungry. I wanna get out of facebook and blogger but i can't seem to resist the temptation. >< . Stalking Justin Bieber and is screaming like crazy . Hahahahaha. I am a HAPPY KID now ! xD

To you,

Stop hating your friends just because you are jealous of them. You look so unhappy because you are not content with your life. When you have everything, you don't treasure it. But now you start to blame on other people because they start to leave you . You dislike *** yet you still go near her just to know what she is doing ? You stalk me in **  and got so jealous that you wish to snatch everything away from me . Come on, grow up ! Unlike you, i love my friends and i have no bad intention when i am with them . Don't try to hurt my friend, you bitch ! D<  Learn from your mistakes before everybody starts to leave you.

11 May 2011


During geography test, i accidentally on my sleep mode. My paper is full of nonsensical rubbish >.< POA test is even worst. Either I leave the pages blank or bomb whatever answer i have in my brain. Well, i am just trying to make my teacher's life easier by not attempting the questions. What a lame excuse ! -.-

School ended at around 12.20 pm so i decided to walk past my primary school since i miss it so much. Many things have changed but the teachers have not change. I saw this incorrigible auntie which i feel like slapping. D: Saw Ronald and Sean slacking which makes me feel like slacking too. When would i stop slacking/ daydream?!

To god,
Don't be angry. Pease cry . I am burning. The weather is simply unbearable for human beings like me. Need me to explain this sentence? Well, the word 'angry' refers to the heat and 'cry'

Ps: If you wanna leave any comments, tell me personally or post on my Facebook wall because i don't really like tagboard. xP